Comments on: 1976 UBF Reform Letter: Non-Biblical Education my journey of recovery from University Bible Fellowship Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: briank Thu, 12 Apr 2012 14:27:16 +0000 Thank you for sharing Desiree. It is amazing to me that you remember so vividly the past events. That testifies to how intense the events really were.

Most people probably don’t realize that you were in Toledo UBF, and that you lived with James and Rebekah Kim. Your observations are invaluable. I hope they can be documented here. Your words provide tremendous insight into the facts of UBF history.

By: Desiree S. Ray Mon, 09 Apr 2012 05:08:01 +0000 Excellent points on this topic.
When Samuel C. Lee was alive, he thrived on “soldier training” to “raise up 560 American shepherds to serve students on American campuses.”

His training was rather bizarre at best. First, he was delighted to participate in the “soldier training” process by dressing up in full American soldier army fatigues including boots, hat, etc. He owned an older American army jeep and had a student drive him around like he was an army general. If a student received “driving training”, it was regarded as a big honor! LOL……..

I recall several evenings when he would invite only males to watch American war movies; The Dirty Dozen being one of Sam’s favorites because it portrayed criminals being redeemed to serve together on a mission. He would serve popcorn, and give a big speel after the video. I was able to know this because I was living with Sarah Barry in the Northwest Chicago Center. As I recall there were at least 35-40 in attendance for these events. The next day was usually crazy because one missionary was told to go outside for some perceived offense and stand in a baby pool full of freezing cold H20. Mind you this was in the fall and the weather in Chicago was cold most days at that time. Then I would hear of guys having to wash each others feet, cook for each other, clean other peoples apartments…….I could go on, but the point was that the underlings, American and Korean were at Samuel C. Lee’s beck and call. I want to ask all folks who read this blog; have you ever heard of any other REAL church requesting members to behave in this manner, not to mention was there any lasting effect or benefit from these “training” events?????

The way I see it, to date, there are still missionaries praying to raise up Americans to serve, but they are very short on the 560#. POINT- How has the past 30+ years of UBF in America served American students? Let’s see: many “marriages by faith” and many who have fled, entire families have run screaming from the false teachings and false core principles of an organization who has delighted in brainwashing American kids to turn over all of their humble resources and talents to a guy and his snarky family (and buddies) Let’s not forget that these kids give everything to the “greater good”. Meaning that “Little Sarah” and her siblings and mother never worry about jobs, food, paying the bills or feeding the kids. They just take from the bank whatever they need, while the tithing students are freaking out, how to pay for classes, books, housing….and then they have to endure “sogam” training, meeting training, “feeding sheep” training, cutting off normal family relationship training, marriage training, weight loss training, “sweet home dream” training, prayer training, “fishing” training, job training, tithing training, serving others training, music and dance training, and of course world mission training, Daily Bread training, weekly meeting training, on and on and on …..

NEVER in my 53 years of life experience have I encountered at any other “church”, the draining, heartless existance that came from attempting to “serve” others while as core member of UBF, Toledo chapter. The big catch there was (speaking only for myself) even though myself and most other devoted Toledo members gave 110%, there was no true joy of the Holy Spirit, no real life fullfillment, only more struggles due to no effort ever being enough. No visible lasting joy from Sunday messages, or God’s Word; because the bottom line was false teachings were the root of twisting the precious message of the TRUTH of the Plan of Salvation. Salvation through works is death, futile, pointless existance! Salvation does not come from submission to a Korean “missionary” or an American “shepherd”. Salvation comes ONLY from the Grace and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Brian, as you and the fellas continue to expose the darkness of UBF, may Heavenly Fahter continue to arm you with courage, honesty, humbleness and righteous anger over the misdeeds and callous justifications for dreadful sins brought to bear on the innocent and blind students who think they are on the right path by following the UBF “leaders”. God Bless your efforts.

By: briank Mon, 09 Apr 2012 04:14:40 +0000 I noticed that the 2000/2002 exodus of leaders (some formed the CMI group) is also mentioned in the UBF history page:

“During the last two years, some members left UBF and formed another group. Because of this, we have had to reconsider seriously who we are, what we are doing, and what we ought to do. Forty years have passed since UBF began. The times have changed a lot. We are challenged to rethink our mission and methods as we seek to serve the students in this present generation. As we face this challenge, we need to find a clear direction for our ministry. We must maintain our identity and remember what God has done and is doing in our midst. We can find the identity of our ministry and have a sense of history if we prayerfully review what God has done in our midst.”

In 2012, about 10 years after the above statements were written, UBF again faces a crisis of many leaders leaving from around the world and especially in one of the flagship UBF USA chapters, Toledo UBF. Instead of going back to what Lee did, UBF should admit their failure and stop the non-Biblical teachings and methods. Otherwise, the exodus of leaders will keep occurring every decade and perhaps even more quickly.
