Comments on: A Grandmother’s Questions my journey of recovery from University Bible Fellowship Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: briank Mon, 06 May 2013 01:19:38 +0000 @Chris: Yes that list rocks. The interesting thing is that the grandmother only put things on the list (items 1 to 13) that she saw in her grandson’s experience and from her family’s interaction with RW and Chicago ubf leaders. The grandson’s dad also contacted me and their whole family was concerned about their son being pushed to break up with his girlfriend, to live in a less-than-desirable apt. and severe guilt-tripping about visiting home sometimes. Item 14 was added by her as a concern after I sent her information about the blue book.

@Joshua: Yes, I have come to the conclusion that the ubf worldview is just as you say “a fantasy world”. It can only exist as long as there are people to enable it and support it. I had to ask myself, Is the kingdom of God so frail that it needs me to enable it? Certainly not! Thus I realized that KOPHN is a wishdream or what some call a “shadow mission”, not the real mission Jesus gave His followers.

By: Joshua Sat, 04 May 2013 21:36:37 +0000 These 14 points are 14 hammer blows to the unbiblical fantasy world that is UBF. May these blows strike true, hard, and quick to shatter the lies and deceit that keep so many people oppressed under the heavy yoke of works-righteousness and the spiritually-deadening idolatry of UBF heritage.

I challenge all readers to give a deep, thoughtful, and prayerful examination of your faith and practice in light of these questions.

By: Chris Sat, 04 May 2013 17:14:48 +0000 That granny rocks. Short and concise summary of the major reasons why nobody should join UBF and member should re-think if they really want to continue to support that organization if there is no real fundamental change in all of these issue.
