Comments on: Completely Missing the Point my journey of recovery from University Bible Fellowship Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:34:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: briank Sat, 15 Sep 2012 21:02:13 +0000 Good points, and thanks for sharing Courtney. I do see I get a bit “snarky”…it’s hard not to sometimes.

If this were just a personal reflection or something, I would overlook it. But it is presented as a “2012 North Eastern African Regional Conference Message” publicly.

Some are starting to listen, but it will take decades to untwist things. I wish I could attend every UBF messenger meeting and share my thoughts. I’m not saying I know everything; there is much to learn.

By: Courtney Sat, 15 Sep 2012 20:07:29 +0000 I am brokenhearted for this person and the clear mishandling of God’s Word in this message. If there is one thing God has opened my eyes to, it is the freedom we are granted through the grace of Christ Jesus. “Living in sin” and “sinning” are two different things…

However, I felt at some points that you were being critical without knowing where the author was coming from. I don’t think it is reasonable to say that a personal testimony is false; that is one thing that someone cannot take away from you, because it is your experience alone. (I do think people can put words in your mouth– I have had this happen to me on a number of testimonies. But you cannot say for sure that this has happened.) There is a difference between critique and bitter snarkiness.

In any case, thanks for posting. I am increasingly saddened by the state of UBF in general. There is a lot of brokenness, terrible theology, and distinct lack of Biblical scholarship within the ministry. Please continue to share your thoughts and to point out things that need to be improved. UBF is in this mess in the first place because no one will listen to such things.
