Hello Everyone. I am happy to announce the new article series for everyone and ubfriends. But before I dive in I want to make several things very clear.
**This series is not meant to criticize any denomination or branch or any well-known religious figure. Rather it is to explain the teachings, doctrines, and recollect history events regarding Christian theology while being neutral throughout. Or at the very least show both sides of the argument. Controversies may be raised up here and there.**
These are the mainline/mainstream branches, figures, ideologies, and historical figures that will be covered in this series.
Mainline/mainstream branches
- Presbyterian (presbyterianism vs leeism/ubfism)
- Methodist
- Lutheran
- Episcopal
- Puritans
- Baptists
- Quakers
- Pentecostal
- Denomination vs Non-denomination
- Anglican
- Congregational
- Assemblies of God
- Church of Christ
- Orthodox church
- Eastern Orthodox
- Greek Orthodox
- Evangelical
- Ethiopian Orthodox
- Catholic church
- Calvinist
- Adventist
- Calvary Chapel
- Hope Chapel
Beliefs, ideologies, doctrine, and detecting false doctrines/gospels
- The True Gospel itself
- The Holy Spirit (Mr. Schafer actually made a series on this topic in old ubfriends site. His content will be re-uploaded
- Legalism
- Antinomianism
- Heresy
- Blasphemy
- Docetism
- Gnosticism
- Deism
- history of atheism
- Agnosticism
- The history of Christian Mysticism
- Medieval Christianity
- Fundamentalism
- Word of Faith
- Orthodoxy
- Neo-Orthodoxy
- Ecumenism
- Social gospel
- Prosperity gospel
- Age of Aquarius
- Western vs Eastern Christianity
- Calvinism
- Lutheranism
- Reformation
- Protestantism
- Papacy
- Idolatry
- Adventism
- End times
- End days
- Jesus’ second coming
- Millennialism
- Christian eschatology
- Great tribulation
- New Covenant
- Covenant Theology
- Christian Apologetics
- Apostles Creed
- Nicene Creed
- Anglicanism
- Christendom
- Athanasian Creed
- Seven deadly sins
- Seven Virtues
- Shepherding Movement (torillachip talked about this in the old ubfriends site. His content will be re-uploaded)
Figures and Historical events throughout Christianity
- The Holy War (The Crusades)
- The Knights Templar
- Emperor Constantine
- Saint Augustine
- Charlemagne
- The Church Fathers
- The infamous Nero
- John Calvin
- Martin Luther
- Jesuits
- John Milton
- Chaucer
- Thomas A Kempis
- Jacob Prasch
- David Wilkerson
- John MacArthur
- Charles Spurgeon
- Charles G. Finney
- John Wycliffe
- William Miller
- The canonization of the Holy Bible
- The Dark Ages
Except for Presbyterianism vs Leeism/Ubfism coming first the topics above will not be done in any particular order. This will be a monthly series.
If you, friends, family, or others you know would like to post (non-UBF) bible studies you are free and welcome. Do give credit to the original owner if you are referencing or borrowing their content. If you submit material on ubfriends.net note that when you go to the contact page you can only submit files as large as 7MB at once at a time. So you must split the file size. Alternatively you are free to email me, wikigoat, Eric, or biblestudyassociation with content. If you want your content published but like to remain anonymous please let us know when you email us.
Is there anything I missed that should be discussed in this series? Is there any we should not talk about in this series?
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