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Terrible Darkness


Picture: Elias Izoli, Untitled

“There is such terrible darkness within me, as if everything was dead… I do not know how deeper will this trial go — how much pain and suffering it will bring to me. This does not worry me any more. I leave this to Him as I leave everything else. Let Him do with me whatever He wants as He wants for as long as He wants if my darkness is light to some soul.”- Mother Theresa

Darkness. Depression. Mental Illness. Brokenness. Frailty. Error. Uncertainty. These are words and ideas we repress and shove deep inside the trunks for our heart. These are parts of us that we are too afraid acknowledge. This quote from Mother Theresa is brutally honest because she does not claim that there is no darkness. She acknowledges it but does not allow it to consume her. To pretend it doesn’t exist would be a lie, but to say that hope doesn’t exist is also a lie.

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How Do You Feel?

trFrom time to time I have had the opportunity to take an Emotional Intelligence test or “EQ” test. This is like an “IQ” test, but instead of gauging a person’s intellect, the EQ test gauges a person’s emotional aptitude. I was stunned a couple years ago to find that my EQ was low–so low I was in the “needs much help” category. This opened my eyes to a lot of issues. After decades of supposed world class training, I was severely lacking in the realm of understanding and expressing emotions. I was further stunned to discover that almost all actual world class leaders talk about being emotionally healthy!

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