What is a cult? This is a very significant question so we will tackle it and find the answer.

What makes this question important is that not only will there be clarification that UBF is a cult but also how to recognize any cult. So that when you leave UBF for good you won’t get entangled in another cult.

Here is a basic definition of cult from Google.com:

“a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.” (Google search)

In the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) they expand on that definition further by adding that it’s a system “exercising excessive control over members”

In summary a cult is a system created by a social group that devout worship to a person or thing while maintaining control over members/followers.  The definition is pretty straight forward. However, when it comes to recognizing cults that is when things get a bit tricky.

There was an article I read by wikigoat which was made in the beginning of 2016 where he analyzed a cult. But it was not clear cut obvious at first hand that it was a cult. Joe even commented that “they engage in real public service [and] They appear to be far more rooted in their local community”

So the question now is how do I recognize a cult and what are the traits/characteristics of one?

An ex-member messaged me an article by Mike Bickle whom not only clear defines the traits of a cult but he also clearly debunks the concept of cults with bible verse/references. When you read the article it clear exposes the system that UBF and other cults that are common or uncommon utilize to fulfill their own agenda.



https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cult (Google Search)

http://0-www.oed.com.torofind.csudh.edu/view/Entry/45709?rskey=oBhspy&result=1&isAdvanced=false#eid (OED)

http://ubfriends.net/a-cult-from-south-korea/ (Wikigoat’s article on a cult)

https://ihopkcorg-a.akamaihd.net/platform/IHOP/759/211/20121118_How_To_Recognize_Cults_7_Characteristics.pdf (recommended Mike Bickle’s Article)

https://web.archive.org/web/20170321142138/https://www.ourgazebo.net/6-traits-of-a-destructive-cult.html (Another article that lists traits of a cult)

https://web.archive.org/web/20050309155522/http://wellspringretreat.org/journal/v9n2/cpyk2.html (Cult Susceptibility Quiz)

https://web.archive.org/web/20050221220949/http://www.ubf-info.de/ref/cults.en.htm (List of research institutions on cults in general)

http://www.icsahome.com/ (Another research institution that has intel on cults)