Here is the list of mainline churches & denominations:
A little history of mainline churches:
“After 20 years, I resigned from the Presbyterian Mission. My resignation was accepted, but I was asked to continue as an affiliate missionary with the Presbyterian mission. I did this until 1977, when I realized that I would not be living in Korea again.” —Sarah Barry
Barry herself admitted that she and UBF broke off all ties from the Presbyterian church.
Quote Reference:
“Instead of memorizing 1 Corinthians 15, three senior staff members had gathered for a complaining session. They looked at the spiritual training which they had received with human eyes, complained and organized a rebellion.”
This is a comment made by SB in the link about SB that Eddie posted:
It’s the same old arguments. SL and SB did nothing wrong. Everything is the victim’s fault. Their speaking up about training is a rebellion.
I am so glad I left UBF. I should have done it much earlier.