I still stand for what I believed ubf was involved in when I became seriously committed to the group. I believed ubf was about helping people on a grassroots level not a denomination with a top down hierarchy. I am committed to the mission I believed ubf was about and as such i must oppose the old guard. If i have time i will explain what I admire about ubf as advertised and how ubf as practiced is often contrary to the advertisement. For now I will just say if we reached out to our neighbors and had sincere dialogues open to each other’s viewpoints and willing to help with shared goals the world might be a better place
I have more understanding than the elders,
for I obey your precepts psalm 119:100 niv
It was obeying the precepts as advertised that got me in trouble with the group
Hi fellowshipbibleuniversity,
Glad you can join us once again. I see what you are saying. This post reminds me of communism in how that sounded awesome in theory but when it was put into practice dictators like Stalin made a dystopia instead of a uptopia
The ironic thing is it was not communist at all and never could be because the transitionary government that had to come first was the owner of the means of production that kept the means of production out of the hands of the working class and actually crushed other pro communist groups https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=PhkXpdD8aVw The Red Bureaucracy: Authoritarian Socialism vs Libertarian Socialism
Libertarian Socialist Rants I hope it is not against policy to post such a link