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Author: Eddie
What a former Korean UBF missionary had to say about UBF part 1
[This former missionary was from German UBF]
Translation of an article by
Joachim Keden in “Sogenannte Jugendsekten und die okkulte Welle”
(“So-called youth cults and the occult wave”)
published by Aussaat Verlag, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1989, p. 132-146
University Bible Fellowship / Universität Bibel Freundschaft
“Make Disciples” or “Raise Followers of UBF”?
Some thoughts on the Great Commission and UBF
(by the webservant of these pages, June 2001)
Site News update
ISMF – the new front group of Bonn UBF
After the negative publicity in 2002, Dae-Won (“Peter”) Chang, the Bonn UBF director, applied a very interesting tactic. At first, Bonn UBF seemed to have retracted themselves completely “out of the business.” The members were instructed to avoid attracting attention in public. However, in the beginning of 2004 suddenly Mr. Chang’s UBF emerged again from the cover, but using a completely new name and a completely new field of activity, where he increasingly actively searches the general, mainly Korean, public. The name of his new enterprise is “International Senfkorn Music Friends” or “International Senfkorn Music Festival,” abbreviated “ISMF.” As in his Bonn UBF, Mr. Chang is also in the ISMF the chief in command who is holding all strings in his hand, and meanwhile is not even shy to call himself their “president.” In the ISMF, it is officially no more about “campus mission” like in the UBF, but exclusively about music, child education and promotion of Korean culture and Korean values: a pretty radical change. What could be behind such a strange change of course?
For the following report, former members of the UBF have gathered some quite evident and some further possible motives, why Mr. Chang could be suddenly involved in this area. We refer here to the situation and our level of knowledge as of beginning of the year 2005.
Deutsch UBF in Bezug auf (Bonn Kapitel) – Follow Up [Original German]
Social Issues and site updates
Hello Everyone. You may have heard about the mass deportations and abuses by ICE. So here is a way to defend yourself or anyone whom you know that is AB540/Undocumented.
If ICE shows up at your door:
IF ICE confronts you on the streets, workplace, or anywhere else outside your home:
Regarding since I am finished with the semester there will be more article uploads (at least every other day). For those who have also completed Finals congrats and those whom graduated congrats to you too