It’s Monday everybody’s favorite day of the week.
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Author: Eddie
The Book UBF doesn’t want 2nd Gens to Read
UBF’s front groups compliation
Ukraine UBF (Kiev UBF chapter)– A Survivor Story
Happy Monday!
It’s Monday everybody’s favorite day of the week.
Disclaimer: This post contains mature content.
[Some] Reasons for Reforming UBF
Disclaimer: This article is only for those who have hope of UBF reforming. The commentary in this article was made by my friend Chris.
What an ex-Korean missionary had to say about UBF part 2
Testimony by M. Susanna P. as of October 1st, 2000
Susanna P. is a Korean UBF missionary who was a long-time member of Bonn UBF and who was later sent out to pioneer an affiliated UBF ministry in the city of Siegen in Germany. In this letter written on October 1st, 2000, she writes about several grievous things she experienced during her stay in and continued connection with the Bonn UBF ministry, especially involving its director, Peter Chang. It is one of the rare documents in which a UBF woman missionary dares to tell the truth about her missionary life in UBF. The letter was originally written in Korean and has been translated. Her report was confirmed by several other missionaries who had left Bonn UBF earlier and one year later by similar testimonies by two German coworkers. However, the official UBF called her letter a “slandering campaign” only and did not care. Peter Chang himself, in response, called her and her husband, who supported her, “savage wolves” and “wicked servants of Satan”, who made up everything, and he declared that the letter was a “hundred percent lie.” Nothing changed in Bonn UBF since then.