An attempt at a [documentation] of the most basic problems of the UBF and their causes, [first]compiled in June 2004 by the webservant of these pages after many talks and with the input and help of former members.
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Category: Denial
UBF suing proves that it is secular not Christian
Christian Leaders can be told they are wrong– Another Follow Up
In this article Jurgen D an ex-member of Bonn UBF chapter in German UBF told chapter director Peter (Dae-Won) Chang not just that he was wrong but also how he wanted nothing to do with UBF anymore.
The History of the American UBF reform movement part 3
This is a document on what happened right after the the third reform movement.
**Note: The emails on this document have been removed**
This is a letter which has been sent to the current UBF topmost leader, Sarah Barry, by the operator of this website in the name of many former UBF members by certified mail on January 28, 2003. According to the return receipt, Miss Barry received the letter on February 4, 2003. When after a month there was no answer, the letter was resent by email to Sarah Barry and the Chicago UBF webmaster and one week later once again to twelve official contact addresses given on UBF web pages with the request for forwarding. There never was any reaction to any of these letters, let alone any answer to the questions asked in the letter. This proves that Sarah Barry as a leader of UBF maintains the same arrogant and autocratic behavior as her predecessor Samuel Lee, who also was completely unaccountable and ignored any kind of critical inquiries. Even members who had given their hearts, time and money for the organization for years and decades are not even considered worthy of a short answer.
An open letter to “Harvest South Bay Church Gardena” El Camino UBF
(The following was an email sent by me back in September 12, 2016 in hopes to open a discussion regarding the problems that are prevalent in the church.)
The History of the American UBF reform movement part 2
Regarding [City Evangelism] Chicago UBF chapter
Hello Everyone. You all may have heard stories from ex-members about malice and atrocities that happened at Chicago UBF. In this article I will share with you a forgotten survivor story.