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Category: Emotions
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse Recognizing and Escaping Spiritual Manipulation and False Spiritual Authority within the Church
The way to Freedom [from UBF], an article by Mary Alice Chrnalogar
Canada UBF (Montreal UBF)– The Book they don’t want you to read
(Harvest South Bay Church Gardena) El Camino UBF– This is my story
Admin note: This is an excerpt/preview of Ashley’s upcoming book of her experiences at her time in UBF that’s TBA. There are two main purposes of this article. 1. To show that there isn’t just one “disgruntle ex-member” as UBF claims and 2. To show the psychological consequences and effects of UBF in 2017 is no different than getting involved in UBF in the 2000s, 1990s, 1980s, etc.