Autoritarismus in der Gemeinde von Steve Martin, 1994 [German Version]
„Machet zu Jüngern Jesu“ oder „erziehet zu Anhängern von UBF“? (German Version)
Einige Gedanken zum Weltmissionsauftrag und UBF
(vom Webdiener dieser Internetseiten, Juni 2001)
Christian Theology Series– What is Covering Theology?
Die grundlegenden Probleme der UBF [German version]
Versuch einer Zusammenfassung der grundlegendsten Probleme der UBF und ihrer Ursachen, zusammengestellt im Juni 2004 vom Webdiener dieser Internetseiten, nach zahlreichen Gesprächen mit ehemaligen UBF-Mitgliedern.
Announcements, site news, etc.
Hello Everyone. I have some announcements
I have made a blog on Winnipeg UBF chapter called Winnipeg UBF Exposed. All of the newspaper clippings are in chronological order from earliest to latest from top to bottom. I did this in order for the newspaper clippings to appear on multiple sites. As of this post I have already archived the blog. In this blog you can be completely anonymous:
All viewers of the blog have permission to make copies of the posts, copies pf the images, and re-archive the blog. In addition to this the viewers have permission to translate the blog in any language.
As I mentioned since this past week there will be 2-3 or sometimes 4 articles a week on What doesn’t count as an article is posts like this where the admin makes announcements and the posts that have list compliations. Articles that are the same but are in different languages count as one article.