Path to Adullam
A book on UBF [has] be[en] published in the book “News and Joey”. The title is [Path to Adullam]. Adullam means ‘shelter’. Just as the wounded souls were healed in Adullam, and dreamed up to unite Israel, it implies the reform of the Church of the Fatherland and the presentation of our path to united Korea.
Kwon Young-sun (Rebecca), who wrote this book, stepped on the land of Germany as a UBF mission student in 1983. I also met UBF Missionary Kwon Young-jin (Lucas) and got married, and on campus I had a ministry to preach the gospel to German college students and nurture them with the Word. However, he was unable to accept the leadership of authoritarian and impersonal leaders and eventually had to leave the UBF.
In this book, I met a senior missionary who was born in Busan, where he met his UBF, followed by his belief there, and then left for Germany with a vision of world mission. He left his UBF missionary wife in a traffic accident. They are married, caring for five children, and the most biblical place, and they are narrating the contradictions of many unbiblical events.
It is expected that the appearance of a lay church in the area of Kyren now creating a new paradigm of lay missionary ministry will give the reader a shock and calm impression.
Introduce the author’s preface.
I kept crying as I wrote this article.
My appearance in front of God was so lacking that I cried.
The spirit of my spirit that gave me over 20 years to do world mission for the Lord and the Gospel was so absurd that I had tears of infinite repentance.
I also cried and cried when I saw the wretchedness of a missions agency that I loved and burned all my youth.
We could not help crying at the sight of the true nature of our Korean Church, which boasted of the world church as a model of exemplary revival.
But this crying caused my soul to heal. My soul, healed in the arms of the refuge of God, began to dream again.
Just as David ‘s 400 warriors, who owed to the cave of Adullam, which means “haven”, were restored and the soul healed and dreamed of a new unified Israel, I was able to rest and rest and to hear God’s semi-voice. I came to see the new dreams and alternatives that God gives. I have dreamed of a new community that the Lord will fulfill. I have come to know the meaning of missionary and faith life which is summarized in the word love. Above all, I have hoped for and hoped for an enterprise of the kingdom of eternity that did not rot and decline. All of this was the way to the Adullam given to me.
I am an unknown lay missionary. I have never been a writer. Therefore, writing and publishing a book is an awkward thing to me. Nevertheless, I can not help but write this book because of the sound of conscience that I hear. When the student mission organization, which should be clean and pure and beautiful, approached me with a monster-like appearance, I quietly left the group and wanted to renew my faith. However, there was a story that I wanted to make as a junior and a friend as a senior when I thought about this organization that I loved and loved and the beloved brothers and sisters who still serve the Lord in it. The story is contained in this book.
There is a saying, ‘Reform is a step down.’ I hear that the churches and missions agencies in my country are doing their own reforms. Good news. But reform must be always present, not past or future. Reforms do not change the form of external organizations. Our consciousness and unconsciousness must change.
I have summarized the usual thoughts about the lay church. Above all, I wrote down my profession of affection for my Lord Jesus who loves me despite my weakness and wickedness.
I pray that the sister who reads this book will come to Jesus, who has refrained from hurting, gifting, or hurting our pain, wounds and sins, and that our wounds will be healed and tears wiped out. I pray that I will be filled with new dreams and visions. I pray that the health and happiness of laymen will overflow the earth as the waters cover the sea and fulfill the dream of the kingdom of the kingdom of the prophet Isaiah.
Reference: http://www.newsnjoy.or.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2505
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