Background: Just like how Jesus was placed under a secret trial by the religious leaders a UBF “shepherd” a.k.a student was placed under a secret trial by several of the seniors of an UBF chapter. This event was condone by the chapter director. The UBF student is being accused of crimes against “god” (specifically adultery) based on rumors and speculation. The student was led to a secret room in the female common life just 20 minutes before Sunday service. The senior who lead the trial showed his true colors when he confessed that the practices of UBF are not commands of God but traditions of men. The student “went along” in the end  in hopes that the abuse would seize. However, that wasn’t the case. Shortly after the “shepherd” who underwent the trial was dehumanized by the chapter and nearly had a mental breakdown. Such practices that are done in secret is no different to what UBF has done years before: burying the problem and villiainizng  the victims. In fact back in Jan 30th 2007 an ex-UBF member commented on how UBF leaders would tell victims of the UBF system “If you don’t like how we do it, you can go.” (its the 20th comment down starting form the first one on the top). Only this time what this ex-UBF member talked about has been proven true and captured with a recording.

 **Note: the “witnesses” were not brought to the trial and the chapter director didn’t make an appearance.**