Here is the transcript of a letter were the ex-members are “officially” banned. Except for my analysis/critique/commentary in brackets [ ] this letter hasn’t been edited in any way. Also all the email contacts except for John Boos’ (who wrote the letter) have been removed for his personal contact was already made public on this site: **All names in the letter are actual names**
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Category: Article
Debunking UBF’s Marriage by Faith
Hello everyone. Here is a list compilation of articles refuting and critiquing UBF’s dogma of “marriage by faith” (arranged marriage)
In Bezug auf die deutsche UBF (Bonner Kapitel) [Original German Language]
Der Skandal um UBF Bonn – eine Chronologie der Ereignisse
Regarding German UBF (Bonn UBF) [English Translation]
The Scandal around Bonn UBF – A Chronology of Events
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What went down between Chang-Woo “Samuel” Lee and the Korean UBF reformers pt 2
This is what happened some time after the “meeting” of Lee and the Korean UBF reformers.
이창우와 한국의 UBF 개혁가 사이에 무엇이 내려 갔는가 2 부 (Korean Translation)
이창우와 한국 UBF 개혁자들의 ‘만남’이 있은 지 얼마되지 않아 일어난 일이다.
How to leave UBF for good– The Complete Series
Hello everyone. Here is the list compilation of the How to leave UBF for good article series.