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Five Things That Helped My Journey out of UBF

**was originally submitted on UBF: Ur Being Flat on 9/30/16**

Leaving an organization like UBF is often a messy, complicated process. The level of emotional and spiritual manipulation that one has experienced by the time they are compelled to leave can lead to stress, anxiety, fear and confusion. Cult dogma that has been grafted in and emotionally hardened over the course of years is not easily tossed aside, and it is not simple to sort out the truth from the twisting. Am I really leaving God’s will? Does this mean that I’ve compromised in my faith? But what about all the good things that have happened in the ministry?

Therefore, when the time comes that the Spirit prompts one to leave an unhealthy church, it is the start of a long, bumpy process. Here are some things that helped me along the way.

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A Painful yet Liberating Exchange

rDear “Missionary”,

When I brought to your attention the negative/disturbing things being said about UBF you told me to “judge according to what I see”. This write up is my reply to what I saw and what I see. First off what I saw was a Christian fellowship (on the outside) which at times appeared awkward but I thought it was in my mind, or the devil trying to deceive me. In time I got over those awkward feelings and actively tried to seek out the will of Christ in your “ministry”.

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Back Off and Let It Go

let-it-goFor almost an entire week I’ve had interesting heated exchanges with a friend on Facebook. The subject being discussed is probably secondary, since the exchanges became rather nasty and personal. My friend felt as though I was being superior, self-righteous, condescending and hurtful by always insisting that I was right, while I thought that I was simply not agreeing with his insistence of his opinion and his point of view. The ad hominems and personal attacks increased as he brought up many of my past failures and sins over the past few decades, to stamp home the point that I’m just the exact same sinner that I was in the past which everyone in my church fellowship knew and who would all agree with him that I am this unbearable and insufferable sort of person.Read More

Cookie Theology

Yesterday, I just watched the movie Bridesmaids for the first time and there is a certain scene that keeps playing over in my head. I usually don’t watch rom-coms, but there is so much similarity between me (and I would say any human being for that matter) and the main character Annie, that I had to share. The emotions of this movie are quite profoundly raw and authentic. And if we’re really honest I think we can all relate with the feelings of jealousy and rage that this particular scene portrays.

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New Excitement in Studying the Bible

I often say unashamedly that the best thing UBF ever did for me was to arouse within me the utmost desire to read and study the Bible every day of my life. This passion for reading and studying and devouring Scripture has not subsided in me since I came to UBF and became a Christian in 1980.

Of course, without a doubt, this is God Himself pursuing me (Jn 4:23b) through UBF and through the influence of UBF people, in particular Samuel Lee. I am sorry if it is painful for some to read this, since Lee has hurt others directly and indirectly. But Lee did inspire me to love the Bible as the very “word of God” (1 Thess 2:13). Why God choose to use Lee to inspire me to love Scripture (Ps 119:97, 103; 1:2), I can only conjecture and speculate.Read More

Four Ways to Identify Your Personality

4personality-typesYou’re just anti-UBF” (or “pro-UBF”). Or “You’re just a conservative Republican.” Or “You’re just a liberal Democrat.” Or “You’re just stubborn, selfish, self-centered, self-obsessed and stupid!”

No one likes to be categorized or caricatured. Yet, people do have preferences, particular traits, personalities, biases and giftings. Also, almost everyone has some (highly annoying) idiosyncrasy! UBF likes people who are loyal, committed and who do not question or disagree with or challenge their leader(s). Because of this UBF also does not like people with opposite traits. Here are some traits UBF leaders do not like. People are indeed different. So it would be beneficial to understand our differences.Read More

A Former Member Poem

fThis poem resonated well with me. I feel as if I understand this person and can somehow relate to their experiences. It is written by a former member. See if you can figure out who wrote this. I’ll share the author in the rest of the article.

Poem: Survivor’s Rights

I never have to explain my past to curious on-lookers
I always have the right to say “NO” and I never have to explain.
My friendships do not allow for emotional debt
My opinions, feelings, and needs are as valid as anyone’s
No one has the right to claim my experience or to own my actions
I am the only credible witness of who I am and what is best for me
I never have to act out of guilt
It is all right and appropriate to ask for and accept support
If I feel hurt then I am being hurt, regardless of anyone’s intentions
I’m responsible only for my own actions, never for the actions of others
I have the right to extricate myself from any situation at any time
I can end conversations whenever they becomes too painful
There is a time for me to disclose things at a pace which is right for me
I am my own greatest resource
I have a right to live without guilt and shame
I have a right not to be exploited by others for their personal or financial gain
I have a right to be loved and love again
Love for my fallen friends does not diminish my love for others now
I have a right to my own interpretation of the past
I have free will

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