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The Four Reform Events–Follow up Article

follow-upWhat has been lost has been found. It was believed that upstanders to the perpetrators of UBF and its retribution were silenced or disbanded. However, that is not truly the case. The reformers are still active and mainly together even to this day. In fact with the way events and circumstances are proceeding in current UBF chapters where current members are shaken up and questioning things (like those who are still in the chapter I use to go to) there’ll be a 5th reform movement. This is a theory of course but a very probably one.

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We are Prisoners of Hope

“The former South African archbishop Desmond Tutu used to famously say, “We are prisoners of hope.” Such a statement might be taken as merely rhetorical or even eccentric if you hadn’t seen Bishop Tutu stare down the notorious South African Security Police when they broke into the Cathedral of St. George’s during his sermon at an ecumenical service. “- Jim Wallis, God’s Politics


I’ve just finished reading Jim Wallis’ book God’s Politics: Why the Right gets it wrong and the Left doesn’t get it. I’m not going to pretend like I understand politics, but I do want to mention some noteworthy insights I’ve received.

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Defending Donald Drumpf

Recently, I read an article about JK Rowling defending Donald Drumpf’s freedom of speech. She was speaking at Pen America’s annual literary Gala in New York this past May.

She stated, “If you seek the removal of freedoms from an opponent simply on the grounds that they have offended you, you have crossed a line to stand alongside tyrants who imprison, torture and kill on exactly the same justifications.”

Rowling is a “fierce opponent of censorship.” She claims that curtailing Drumpf’s right to speak diminishes her own “freedom to call him a bigot.”

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