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Category: Reports
Long Beach/LA/Downey UBF chapter– An Open Letter from an ex-UBF missionary
An open letter was sent to Downey UBF chapter and the rest of the UBF congregation by Rebekah Kim on July 13, 2011 that talks about UBF for what it really is behind close doors. [This letter was provided by a former member of the chapter]
Chicago UBF [City Evangelism]– Survivor Stories
(Shepherds Church) El Camino UBF– What Happens at UBF Conferences?
The History of the American UBF reform movement part 4
2010 Schafer Survey Letter
This is a letter from Joe Schafer, a prominent UBF leader, chapter director and long-time staff member. The letter was ignored by the leadership.
The [Main] Problems of the UBF
An attempt at a [documentation] of the most basic problems of the UBF and their causes, [first]compiled in June 2004 by the webservant of these pages after many talks and with the input and help of former members.
Christian Leaders can be told they are wrong– Another Follow Up
In this article Jurgen D an ex-member of Bonn UBF chapter in German UBF told chapter director Peter (Dae-Won) Chang not just that he was wrong but also how he wanted nothing to do with UBF anymore.