Hello Everyone. I have several announcements, updates, etc

  1.  Starting on August 15, 2017 I’m taking downtime from ubfriends. In other words I’m taking a break. You can still contact me and the admin it’s just that there won’t be any articles for a while until September 1, 2017. The main reason is that I don’t want to burn out. I’m a human with limitations. Furthermore,  I’m still a student so the semester will be starting soon not just for me but for college students as a whole. So I need to get ready for the study by getting textbooks, school supplies, and the mundane tasks that college students have to do. This is an opportunity for those who were on vacation or busy during the summer to catch up on the articles made this summer.
  2.  Any feedback on articles is recommended and helpful to the admin. When there is no hearts and no comments on an article like this one (http://ubfriends.net/on-conscience-by-john-wesley/) it is difficult for me to determine if you the viewers liked it or hated it? When there is a rating or comments given it can help me see what you the viewers like or don’t like.
  3.  What ever happened to the ex-members from the earlier years of ubfriends? The ex-members from Karcher’s generation have overall more or less moved on. That is why you don’t see Schafer, Toh, Jesmer commenting or making articles here on ubfriends anymore. They are still alive and thriving and free from UBF 🙂
  4. To the ex-members from Eric Navas’ generation: It’s recommended to share your personal story. Its a part of healing.  [Note: a part of healing not the only way to heal]. One of my close friends who left UBF during the third reform movement told me via email that the reason he doesn’t write anymore on this site is to leave room for the new generation of ex-members to comment and share their story here.
  5.  When I come back from my downtime there will be an article every 1-2 weeks for during the semester I have 5 classes in addition to my job. There will be more about the future articles a little later.