Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of “spiritual activities” that is required for you to be in good standing with God?
Have you ever been ordered by your church leadership to do or say something that was clearly unbiblical or else went against your conscience?
Do you have concerns or frustrations about the ministry that you are not able to discuss with your shepherd or church leadership?
Have your excessive commitments to UBF caused problems for you at work, school, family, or other matters?
Do you feel that your Christian walk has stagnated or that the UBF ministry is no longer able to meet your spiritual needs anymore?
Have you ever been mistreated or abused by someone at your church? Have you seen abuses being committed on other members?
Do you feel constant guilt, stress, or depression over matters involving the UBF ministry?
Do you constantly fear getting rebuked or punished over not being able to uphold church rules absolutely?
Are you continuing to put in large amounts of time, effort, and resources into campus mission, but seeing no positive result, or else seeing your efforts continually fall apart after a time?
Do you think things have gotten worse for you during your time in UBF?
Have you noticed hypocrisy, contradictions, or abuses at your chapter committed by church leaders?
Do you resent always having to get “approval” from your shepherd or chapter director for any life matter that comes up?
Are you tired with the overly controlling and authoritarian environment at your church?
Have you considered leaving the ministry, but feel that you would be rejecting God’s will upon your life, as well as your eternal salvation?
If you can relate to any of the questions that you have just read, remember that you are NOT ALONE. Many UBF shepherds around the world have been struggling with these same issues, frustrations, and concerns. Most importantly, these issues linger on for years and they are never resolved. We are a network of current and former UBF shepherds who understand what you are going through and are here to help you. If you have questions or concerns about the UBF ministry that you have or if you simply want to talk about your experiences–we are here for you.
To reach us, please send an email at the following address, and we will get back to you very soon. God bless you!
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