“THE SILHOUETTE”, February 7, 1991 (Vol. 61, No.22) Page 11.

“CULT BANNED” Winnipeg.

The University Bible Fellowship (UBF) was banned from the University of Manitoba. There have been several reports of cult-like activities.

This Korean missionary church that targeted University students was banned at the University of Winnipeg in 1986.

It is reported that Korean members of UBF left Winnipeg in early December, however Kevin Jesmer, a third year Arts student and the newly appointed director of UBF insists the group will continue to grow.

In Jesmer’s opinion, the critics of the group are racists and atheists.

Gord Gillespie of the Manitoba Cult Awareness, believes the group failed due to extensive media coverage in Winnipeg. He feels the coverage has been accurate, since reliable sources that have been consulted have been members of UBF.

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20060829172856/http://escape.exubf.org:80/outside_material/SILHOUETTE.htm

Note: As I mentioned earlier Kevin Jesmer left UBF recently and is no longer programmed.