Yes it’s back to school! For K-12 the semester has already start. For college campus & universities the semester will (if it hasn’t already) start at the end of January or at the latest the beginning of February. There are certain things you need to be informed about.
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Category: Info
Real Mainline churches
Here is the list of mainline churches & denominations:
A little history of mainline churches:
“After 20 years, I resigned from the Presbyterian Mission. My resignation was accepted, but I was asked to continue as an affiliate missionary with the Presbyterian mission. I did this until 1977, when I realized that I would not be living in Korea again.” —Sarah Barry
Barry herself admitted that she and UBF broke off all ties from the Presbyterian church.
Quote Reference:
Chapterianity vs Christianity
My support group sent me images entitled Churchianity vs Christianity which I will show at the end of this article. The image is very thorough in its explanation and analysis. But when I pondered about it UBF was never a church but a chapter. These words (chapter & church) have been used interchangeable but have different definitions.
How to leave UBF for good—Deprogramming Process
**controversial issues will be mentioned in this article**
**This may be a sensitive topic**
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Happy New Years!!!
Hello everyone,
First and foremost I wish everyone a happy new year. Today 2017 official starts.
So many events happened in 2016 that are simply unforgettable both on this site and around the world. And there will be more events coming for all of us in 2017.
I have a special announcement for all of you in regards to this site.