The Dress

After discussing the Muslim/Christian worshiping the same God debate. I began to think that this topic is similar to the picture of the dress that shook the nation a couple months ago. Even now I see black/blue on the right in the picture at the top, but my sister only sees gold and white in all three dresses. (The dress is actually black and blue).

Around the world, couples who saw the picture would get into serious arguments. Peoples’ appetites were ruined. Everyone was flabbergasted that one could see gold and white, while another swore they saw black and blue. It shocked and angered many.

I am a Christian, but the terms I use might be different from the next Christian. When I say the same God, I mean as in point of reference. I don’t mean identical. Using mathematical terms we would say similar, not necessarily congruent. But I would also say there is absolutely only one true and living God.

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