[Admin note: This is a survivor story from an ex-member who left in 2010 during the first crisis/exodus. All personal details have been removed by request of the ex-member]
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Category: Testimony
Korea UBF (Jongno UBF chapter)– UBF, what will be reformed [English Translation]
Korea UBF– UBF 사실상 분열 [Original Korean]
Korea UBF– UBF virtually split [English Translation]
A series on what UBF “missionaries” don’t want you to know about the 3rd UBF reform movement.
Korea UBF– What ever happened to the 1976 reformers?
Here is what actually happened to the 1976 UBF reformers. Before proceeding check out the 1976 letter.
(Narrow Gate Church) Toldeo UBF– What Actually Happened
This is a re-upload of a 3 part series on what happened at the Toldeo UBF chapter during the 4th crisis.