In this article I will use the bible to show the errors of “marriage by faith”
Why People Become Sheeple
UBF’s Sin of Tribalism
Why you should leave UBF for good
The article is about an on/off member of Bonn UBF chapter who left the chapter only to be entangled in UBF again. You can see by his writing the effects of being in UBF and why you should leave it for good.
The Other Side of Discipleship by Lawrence A. Pile, 1990
It’s Voting Time again
John ‘Chun’ Baik responds to
John Baik is the chapter director of (Shepherds Church Gardena) El Camino UBF which is now known as (Harvest South Bay Church Torrance) El Camino UBF. He has decide to respond to ubfriends by sending his student Clifford Tylin Rothrock to send a letter to me. As you’ll see in the letter UBF in 2017 is no different than UBF in 1985. In fact Clifford’s letter is quite similar to Mark’s letter in UBF dialogue, insider language, and more.