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UBF break up policy vs 1 Corinthians 7 and Deuteronomy 22

There was a woman I saw give a testimony in front of a large audience at UBF.  I am pretty sure the testimony was filtered by UBF members to ensure it was OK to say by UBF standards and I am pretty sure she was in line with standard operating procedure at the time.

She said she prayed for her Bible student to break up with her boyfriend.  I want to address if Bible teachers should be encouraging people to break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, encouraging them to marry or being neutral.  I suggest that encouraging them to marry and being neutral can be supported but not encouraging them to break up.  When I say encourage to marry I am not talking about forced marriage, but suggesting marriage as an option.

This is a sensitive topic as it deals with the common practice of Bible students having physical relations with other people outside of marriage so to read the full article go here

Two Miracles!

Hey everyone– long time no blogging! Well, I’m back for a couple reasons. One reason is because I want to share with you not one, but TWO miracles. After years of silence, we former members have received two public responses from ubf leaders. This is stunning news my friends, because as we all know, the one thing ubf leaders do not want is public scrutiny. Today’s post is part 1 of 2 (I can only handle one miracle at a time!). I will share my reaction to another public response in the near future.

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Bonn UBF– Zeugnis von Andreas P. vom 15. April 2001 [Original German]

Am 14. April 2001 kam Andreas P., ein langjähriges Mitglied von UBF Bonn, verheiratet mit damals 5 Kindern, mit seiner UBF-Gemeinde in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Peter Chang, der Leiter von UBF Bonn und Andreas’ eigene Frau, die eine loyale Anhängerin des Leiters war, versuchten ihn zu „trainieren“, indem sie ihm seine Scheckkarte und die Schlüssel zu seiner eigenen Wohnung abnahmen. Er flüchtete nach UBF Dortmund ins „Exil“, wo er seine Probleme erklärte. Der Leiter von UBF Dortmund bat ihn, seine Erfahrungen und Probleme in einem Zeugnis aufzuschreiben. So setzte sich Andreas an jenem Osterwochenende hin, versuchte seine Gedanken zu sammeln und schrieb in diesem Zeugnis auf, was er hinsichtlich der Probleme von UBF Bonn auf dem Herzen hatte, unbeeinflusst von der Meinung von anderen. Tatsächlich wusste Andreas zu der Zeit nicht einmal, dass es in UBF eine „Reformbewegung“ gab, und auch nicht, dass eine Missionarin, die früher Mitglied von UBF Bonn war, bereits im Jahr zuvor einen ganz ähnlichen Beschwerdebrief geschrieben hatte.

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A Biblical Critique of the Bonn UBF chapter part 1

Testimony by Andreas P. as of April 15th, 2001

On April 14th, 2001, Andreas P., a long time member of Bonn UBF, married with at that time five children, ran into severe difficulties with his UBF chapter. Peter “Dae-Won” Chang, the director of Bonn UBF and Andreas’ own wife who adhered loyally to the director, tried to “train” him, taking away his credit card and keys to his own apartment. He escaped to Dortmund UBF into “exile”, where he explained his problems. The director of Dortmund UBF asked him to write down all of his experiences and problems in a testimony. So Andreas sat down that Easter weekend to recover and write down in this testimony all that was on his heart about the problems of Bonn UBF, uninfluenced by any other opinions. In fact, at that time Andreas did not even know that a “reform movement” existed in UBF, nor did he know that a woman missionary who used to be a member of Bonn UBF and later left had already written about similar complaints the year before.

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