705381_1534669256860081_866208683875146757_oAs the year draws to a close, I want to share a few thoughts about my new book project. The theme is confronting our inner Hitler. So if you can set aside Godwin’s Law for a moment, consider this intriguing idea: do you have an inner Hitler? If so, have you confronted your inner Hitler and removed the force from having power over your life?

70 Years after Hitler’s Death–Mein Kampf

The copyright expires this year, 70 years after the death of Adolf Hitler. His signature work, entitled Mein Kampf, is being re-published by the historical society in Germany. They are taking the initiative to publish a much annotated version, to hopefully spur thoughtful dialogue about the ideology and theology of Hitler. When I read this book, I found much humanity in Hitler, as well as numerous themes that seem to contribute to his dark path. The title means My Struggle. Might our path be chosen in part by our response to our struggles?

Instead of Comparing Enemies to Hitler–Understand Hitler

I find so much of what I read about Hitler and his book to be fascinating. How can we avoid another Hitler without understanding his rise to power? Did you know these interesting facts?

  • Hitler ran multiple Presidential campaigns
  • Hitler started a youth training club with 14 teenagers that grew to tens of thousands
  • Hitler loved art, painting and architecture
  • Hitler was adored by millions for his desire to make Germany great again

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Evil: Confronting our inner Hitler