
The last time I posted on a ubfriends related site had to have been over 4 months ago. Things have been totally crazy since then, as I have been working full time and going to graduate school full time while planning for my marriage. A lot has happened since then. I plan on today talking about my time in Chicago for Samuel Lee’s Memorial (read: worship) ceremony, and talking later about my marriage and weddings.


A New Editor

In October I had the distinct privilege and attending Sam’s memorial service. I was actually invited by Dr. John Jun, which came after I volunteered to proofread the articles for ubf.org. We got out to a rough start because the guy who was “in charge” of my volunteer work consistently argued with my English. He also refused to tell me who was in charge (no quotes here) of him. I was invited to Chicago to meet with Dr. John Jun and whoever else ran their web team about this time.

Samuel Lee’s Memorial Service

This service surprised me a lot. I assumed it would be all about how great a leader Samuel Lee was and how he was so great at being like Jesus. Instead this was all about upholding his legacy. It was actually stated just like that. We all started by reading his “spiritual legacy”. For me it’s a reminder about what many people are up against when they try to in any way alter the dogma here. You are not up against an ideal or a method that is flawed- you are up against “God’s Servant”. It quickly became apparent why things change so slowly. UBF has golden calves. More to the point, we are told that without a vision a people perish, but it is for the sake of the people that the vision exists. If our vision harms the people is violates a higher standard. I only heard three things about Dr. Lee the person, and how he treated people at his own memorial service. One of those instances was a woman who didn’t want to marry and “selfishly take care of her family” but was encouraged by Samuel Lee to marry anyways.  When her husband died she received a card from him congratulating her on her husband’s death because he was in heaven. The other story was a story where a man was told to move from his high paying job to Chicago to be trained. He lived in abject poverty to do this (I forget the exact number but I remember it coming to $3-5 a day).  The last story was from this same man, who said he didn’t have money to get his wife anything for Christmas on account of his recently acquired poverty. Samuel Lee told him to give her his bible study notes. She overjoyed because she needed to practice her English and this gave her a chance.

At the risk of burning bridges (it’s one I take daily), how can these stories provide me with the image of God Servant? They don’t particularly show me a person who loved and sacrificed for his flock. Why did Samuel Lee allow that man to live in poverty? Could he not have sacrificed for him, especially given that it was on his command that he moved? Why did Samuel Lee encourage someone to marry when she said she didn’t want to and then what type of callous person sends someone a congratulations card on her husband’s death?

But nevertheless, this was not unexpected given what I have heard about him. The last thing that will interest people everywhere. The writer of the daily bread that said he would be “totally destroyed” if we lost our first love (implied UBF), was removed from his position after receiving numerous complaints. This wasn’t publicly announced or anything, but I was happy to find that real change can happen when people speak up- even if that change is not announced.

Thanks all its good to be back,

