Historically factory owners had a unjust control over factory workers through confiscation of land by the state preventing workers from owning their own means of production.  Workers would justly strike out against owners with unjust gain through slowing down work.

Samuel Lee went on strike against God who was not a unjust factory owner but a benevolent individual who helped people gain resources to aid in their own personal growth.  Samuel Lee despised discipleship and sabotaged it with the labor theory of value.

One of the previous interns at a workplace who was there before my time  appeared to have made numerous photocopies of his work.  He then rearranged the photocopies in different patterns so that he appeared to accomplish more work then he did.  We initially thought he was a model employee until we discovered what we believed was his true legacy.  I had to redo all his work but making it displayed as maybe less than 50 studies instead of maybe about 1000 or more studies.

This is Samuel Lee’s contribution to disciple making.  We could have made numerous new discoveries about the deposit of faith but instead copies of samuel Lee’s work have been rearranged by the old guard without producing many novel discoveries.

The old guard way to evaluate success in discipleship revolves around the labor theory of value.  The more manhours put in the better.  Raising extra sheep means each sheep will produce manhours.

But this is bad we should instead achieve as much personal growth as possible.  Achieving the same amount of personal growth in a smaller number of man hours is an improvement, but the labor theory of value often produces less personal growth per manhour by valuing the man hours not the personal growth.

This would only be great if Samuel Lee’s goal was to go on strike against a personal growth factory.