Martin Luther King Jr.
I’m actually looking forward to UBF’s threats and actions against me in the upcoming months. And here is why.
The reason why is because through my arrest and/or death by the hands of UBF whether they do it legally or not I hope to elevate things for the 5th crisis of UBF that is just beginning.
I am the kind of person who makes noise, a fiasco, and the like when injustice goes too far. If a current older/longtime UBF member is surprised at what I’m saying in this article that goes to show that they NEVER knew me as a person.
This past semester I had taken an ethnic studies class. Through that class I had come to respect Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. In the end I am more relatable to Malcolm X which I will not go into details today. For that itself is a long personal story.
To UBF and all UBF loyalists if you truly wish to dispose of me whether by arrest or assassination then I suggest you do it thoroughly.
Here are some inspirational quotes by Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X:
Excellent quotes, here. I can relate to this sentiment–you want the ubf leaders to act honestly. If they want to arrest you, then do it.
But they don’t act in such honest ways. The won’t do such things, and this is infuriating and maddening. They won’t act in such straightforward ways because they risk exposure. They despise publicity.
It is therefore critical to know their strategy: UBF Strategies explained