This is what happened some time after the “meeting” of Lee and the Korean UBF reformers.
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Category: Denial
이창우와 한국의 UBF 개혁가 사이에 무엇이 내려 갔는가 2 부 (Korean Translation)
How to leave UBF for good– The Complete Series
Hello everyone. Here is the list compilation of the How to leave UBF for good article series.
Shattering UBF’s Mask
When a UBF member approaches you to ask for a one-to-one bible study on your college campus they will tell you something along the lines of:
- we’re from a non-denomination church
- one-to-one is to help students learn about personal salvation
- it’s just bible study
This is a flat out LIE!!! As you will see in this article this is what UBF truly believes, practices, and does to students:
이창우와 한국의 UBF 개혁가들 사이에 무슨 일이 일어 났는가 (Korean Translation)
당신은 UBF가 한국 문화를 기반으로했으며, UBF 지도자들은 한국인들에게 아무런 이슈가 없다고 믿을 것입니다. 그러나 그것은 진실과는 거리가 멀다. 아래에서는 2000 년대 초 한국의 UBF 개혁자들과 이창우 씨 사이에 실제적으로 내려간 이야기의 잊혀진 이야기 / 경험을 나눌 것입니다.
A response to the viewers of– Follow Up
What went down between Chang-Woo “Samuel” Lee and the Korean UBF reformers pt 1
You would believe that UBF was based on Korean culture and that the UBF leaders including Lee would have no issues with Koreans. However, that is far from the truth. Below I will share a forgotten story/experience of what actually went down between the Korean UBF reformers and Chang-Woo Lee back in the very early 2000s.