This is an open letter sent to one of the UBF “missionaries” at the chapter by an ex-member.
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Czech Republic UBF– The truth about Isaac Shin’s death
(Harvest South Bay Church Gardena) El Camino UBF– My Survivor Story
[Admin note: This is a survivor story from an ex-member who left in 2010 during the first crisis/exodus. All personal details have been removed by request of the ex-member]
Site New Announcement: Discussion Forum Resurrected
Marriage by faith vs the Bible on who you may marry image accessed 2018/1/18
By focusing on historical narratives in the Bible when it comes to marriage members of University Bible Fellowship treat the Bible like a ink blot when it comes to who someone is allowed or forbidden to marry who according to God. I will instead actually focus on verses that explicitly talk about marriage rules in the Bible. In many of these verses I will point out that either the man or woman is allowed by God himself to marry anyone they want to who consents and is not forbidden from marriage by another rule if every word of the Bible is inspired by God as UBF Bible teachers claim to believe. But UBF presents another narrative God has not allowed it unless it lines up with your Bible teachers prayers. In the link above I go through the teachings on marriage in Exodus 21, Deuteronomy 21, 22, 24 and 25 as well as 1 Timothy 5, Romans 7 and 1 Corinthians 7 to demonstrate my point, although it is not perfect this is the most thorough refutation of marriage by faith based on the Biblical teachings on marriage that I know of.
I will write other future articles at but this article is foundational
Martin Luther King Jr Day
Here’s MLK Jr’s Letter from Birmingham Jail. Even though it was written back in 1963 the topics MLK talks about are still relevant to this day.
(Shepherds Church Gardena) El Camino UBF– Why I don’t move on
Several people off-screen have asked me and wondered why I don’t move on. (Particularly the current members). I will show you why.