Views expressed do not necessarily represent those of University Bible Fellowship or UBFriends nor other members or ex members of UBF
To UBFriends staff if you need to modify this slightly or greatly in the version posted on UBFriends to meet the censorship code in order to avoid threats feel free to do so I will retain the original uncensored post here. If you prefer another means of dealing with controversial material such as me emailing you something then asking permission to post it let me know. I see nothing here that technically violates the official rules you posted or the other extra rules you emailed me but the implications might really tick people off. Also I tend to do these in a sleep deprived session in which I feel strongly compelled to write and do not always have it written best the first time.
Complaints about controversial material to UBFriends staff has led me to the decision to relocate most of my material to a separate set of blogs. Some people have been complaining to and even threatening UBFriends staff but not talking to me because of my material and the material of one other individual who will not be named by me. Please leave UBFriends staff alone
You can email me at
My blogs are listed, described and indexed at