Goodness Found: The Butterfly NarrativesBen gives some good advice, and lets off some much needed steam in his recent article, “Back off and let it go!”. Sometimes we do need to just let it go. Other times, we need to step up and speak out. For me, this Memorial Day weekend is a time of speaking out. Interviews have already been scheduled with various media outlets, regarding my experience with the highly secretive and curiously mysterious group we all know and.. ahem.. love. So I am speaking out, echoing the multitude of silent voices of former members and current members who wrestle with being trapped in the KOPAHN enigma. If there is anything I want to avoid, it is to avoid keeping a low profile. I seek to be as visible as possible.


To celebrate Memorial Day weekend, I am giving away all four of my books about our former group. The books are FREE on Kindle, and if you buy the paperback, you get the Kindle edition for free. Note that I enabled free loaning of the Kindle books as well. Enjoy. Dozens have already taken advantage of the free promotion. I do not write my books to make money, but to speak out and tell my story– our story.

Get all four Kindle books for free all Memorial Day weekend
