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The mystery of the beautiful exterior of UBF and my hope and vision for discipleship

Salt Cathedral of Zipaquirá Accessed online on 2018 February 15

Note:  Although some of the images are the same as in other articles I wrote this is a different article

The original article below explains my vision for doing authentic voluntary non hierarchical discipleship and my hope for University Bible Fellowship.

Title:  The mystery of the beautiful exterior of UBF

The purpose of this article is to show how there are wonderful things taught and done by the real lay-missionaries in UBF composing it’s beautiful and wonderful (but less  than perfect) outside.

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Recovering from UBF personal application hermeneutics

Title: Discipleship Methods within UBF

Purpose of this article:  To show the difference between the principles I was taught in the outer layer of UBF which were in many (but not all) ways good except for a lack of objectivity and what I later learned from Samuel lee loyalists in the inner layer of UBF which suppressed the authentic discipleship style I was taught earlier within the same organization!  I also wish to make suggestions for how to increase objectivity in Bible study, which might help improve the discipleship process in an area that was lacking.

Disclaimer: It is a problematic oversimplification to put UBF members into two camps but it saves much writing space just keep in mind that people are more complicated than I explain they might behave like Samuel Lee loyalists in one situation but not in another and might be only partly loyal to Samuel Lee rather than completely loyal.

Two contrasting methods of Bible study I witnessed at UBFRead More

Samuel Lee’s strike against disciple making relies on the labor theory of value

Historically factory owners had a unjust control over factory workers through confiscation of land by the state preventing workers from owning their own means of production.  Workers would justly strike out against owners with unjust gain through slowing down work.

Samuel Lee went on strike against God who was not a unjust factory owner but a benevolent individual who helped people gain resources to aid in their own personal growth.  Samuel Lee despised discipleship and sabotaged it with the labor theory of value.

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