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Many Cards – My Reactions to Victoria UBF Letter

As we former members know all too well, responses from ubfers are rare gems. Here is the second public response to me recently (the first was a one-star public review of my Identity Snatchers book). For context, please read the Martlet Student Newspaper article from June 9, 2016, where I was interviewed:

On November 3, 2016, Mr. Joshua Park (the chapter director in Victoria ubf) sent the following Letter to the Editor:

In his letter, Mr. Park plays many cards. Here are my reactions…

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Bonn UBF– Zeugnis von Andreas P. vom 15. April 2001 [Original German]

Am 14. April 2001 kam Andreas P., ein langjähriges Mitglied von UBF Bonn, verheiratet mit damals 5 Kindern, mit seiner UBF-Gemeinde in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Peter Chang, der Leiter von UBF Bonn und Andreas’ eigene Frau, die eine loyale Anhängerin des Leiters war, versuchten ihn zu „trainieren“, indem sie ihm seine Scheckkarte und die Schlüssel zu seiner eigenen Wohnung abnahmen. Er flüchtete nach UBF Dortmund ins „Exil“, wo er seine Probleme erklärte. Der Leiter von UBF Dortmund bat ihn, seine Erfahrungen und Probleme in einem Zeugnis aufzuschreiben. So setzte sich Andreas an jenem Osterwochenende hin, versuchte seine Gedanken zu sammeln und schrieb in diesem Zeugnis auf, was er hinsichtlich der Probleme von UBF Bonn auf dem Herzen hatte, unbeeinflusst von der Meinung von anderen. Tatsächlich wusste Andreas zu der Zeit nicht einmal, dass es in UBF eine „Reformbewegung“ gab, und auch nicht, dass eine Missionarin, die früher Mitglied von UBF Bonn war, bereits im Jahr zuvor einen ganz ähnlichen Beschwerdebrief geschrieben hatte.

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Canada UBF (Montreal UBF)– Andrew Christopher’s Secret

In the last days of [the original] Winnipeg UBF, several Canadian shepherds came forward to defend the UBF group, rather than the UBF Korean “missionary” leaders. The following article is one written by Shepherd Andrew Christopher (currently of Montreal UBF [chapter director]). The article follows a typical UBF apologetic form: 1) UBF has suffered slanderous persecution, 2) critics of UBF are all secular humanists, and 3) UBF is misunderstood just because it practices pure “bible” Christianity. The article is embellished with quotations from Carlyle, John Glenn, and Tolstoy (all 3 of whom, incidentally, could never have completed their life work had they been in the UBF). In addition to several misleading statements about the UBF in Winnipeg, Shepherd Christopher errors most by not answering points made in the previous articles in the “Manitoban” which discuss details of “control tactics”, harassment, isolation, arranged marriages, and authoritarianism. His deceptive depiction of his own experience in UBF seems at times to equate more with a popular evangelical perspective rather than the “ultra-sectarian” group reported by others.

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