My Own Response
I watched two Facebook videos the other day.
One was about a man who left his job on wall street to open a pizza shop for $1 a slice. One customer came in and wanted to buy a slice for anyone who might need help. So the owner put a post-it on the wall, and the idea spread. Those who benefitted from this kindness later found jobs and came in to donate a slice of pizza for another person who might come in hungry.
The next video is about technology helping people hear for the first time and seeing their reactions. If this doesn’t make you cry, I don’t know what will.
No More Excuses—an essay
I have to admit that the mention of UBF elicits several mixed reactions. On one hand, I personally received the grace of God’s love and salvation through Bible study. I heard God calling me no longer to live for myself but to live for him in service to others. I admired the sincerity and zeal of those who truly wanted to live for Jesus. I also admired the relentless outreach when it would have been easier to stay at home.
What next?
After committing to catching up on previous posts, I found myself staying up the entire night trying to cover nearly 5 years of articles and comments. With each hour that passed, I knew I had to get some sleep, but alas, I find myself in front of the computer trying to formulate an article.
I was drawn in by article after article and comment after comment. Initially I was taken aback by aggressive language and seemingly biased points of view. But as I continued to read, I have been impressed by the level of integrity and professionalism you have maintained throughout the website. The articles have not been offensive or slanderous but have been informative, honest, and real.
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