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Recovering from UBF personal application hermeneutics
Title: Discipleship Methods within UBF
Purpose of this article: To show the difference between the principles I was taught in the outer layer of UBF which were in many (but not all) ways good except for a lack of objectivity and what I later learned from Samuel lee loyalists in the inner layer of UBF which suppressed the authentic discipleship style I was taught earlier within the same organization! I also wish to make suggestions for how to increase objectivity in Bible study, which might help improve the discipleship process in an area that was lacking.
Disclaimer: It is a problematic oversimplification to put UBF members into two camps but it saves much writing space just keep in mind that people are more complicated than I explain they might behave like Samuel Lee loyalists in one situation but not in another and might be only partly loyal to Samuel Lee rather than completely loyal.
Two contrasting methods of Bible study I witnessed at UBFRead More
UBFriends is now on Instagram!
Canada UBF (Winnipeg UBF)– Uncovering multiple layers of dirt
What is wrong with UBF private revelation about marriage
20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things.21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Accessed online on 2018 February 2
I put up a old article I wrote years ago (but never before published) on what is wrong with using private revelation to determine a marriage partner and yet simultaneously claiming to use the Bible as a guide on my blog, the link is below. It is very thorough and a worthwhile read for using the Bible to contradict the marriage by faith doctrine.
UBF break up policy vs 1 Corinthians 7 and Deuteronomy 22
There was a woman I saw give a testimony in front of a large audience at UBF. I am pretty sure the testimony was filtered by UBF members to ensure it was OK to say by UBF standards and I am pretty sure she was in line with standard operating procedure at the time.
She said she prayed for her Bible student to break up with her boyfriend. I want to address if Bible teachers should be encouraging people to break up with their boyfriend or girlfriend, encouraging them to marry or being neutral. I suggest that encouraging them to marry and being neutral can be supported but not encouraging them to break up. When I say encourage to marry I am not talking about forced marriage, but suggesting marriage as an option.
This is a sensitive topic as it deals with the common practice of Bible students having physical relations with other people outside of marriage so to read the full article go here
(Harvest South Bay Church Gardena)– John Baik strikes back
Recently John Baik has sent a junior member (who goes by the alias Jared Allen) to defend El Camino UBF.