UBF: Wikipedia article
Earlier I blogged about how the official UBF Internet Committee tries to remove critical material about UBF from the internet. Sometimes UBF members also, unofficially, try to remove material that is critical as well.
Earlier I blogged about how the official UBF Internet Committee tries to remove critical material about UBF from the internet. Sometimes UBF members also, unofficially, try to remove material that is critical as well.
As my journey of faith continues, I’ve settled on three long term blogging projects.
One of the “blue book” topics is something called “business mission”, which describes new ways to do “business mission”. This is something beyond tent-making, self-supporting business for mission. “Business mission” is something to be obeyed, and something commanded by Jesus, Continue reading UBF: Business Mission→
One good result of the 30th Anniversary celebration of UBF in Germany and the 50th Anniversary of UBF in Korea is that the world now has documented, official teaching material. The lectures in the “blue book” are important material to Continue reading UBF: Official Teaching Material→
If things go the way UBF leaders pray and work so hard for, in 2041, UBF will have over 100,000 missionaries and will have been a blessing to over 140 un-pioneered-by-UBF countries. But what if that doesn’t happen?