Case Studies
Here are some external observations of UBF ministry that are helpful to gain an objective understanding.
Here are some external observations of UBF ministry that are helpful to gain an objective understanding.
For me, the year 2011 will always be remembered as the “year of the living and active word of God”. Never before have I experienced the Spirit speaking so powerfully through the Scripture! Today I present a list of verses Continue reading The Word of God is Living→
I can just hear the rumors spreading as I type today’s follow-up post. (I often make posts after I receive some inspiration from my email or other discussions. This is no exception.) Today a friend of mine mentioned a wonderful Continue reading Drink Your Wine→
One of my friends recently mentioned to me how he heard people dismissing me and my blog as “just another anti-ubf” website. Some have stopped reading because they incorrectly assume I hate ubf and want to see it destroyed. That Continue reading Freedom of the Mind→
This week’s “Be Armed!” Bible study is entitled: Christology: Regarding Jesus Christ. This study confirmed my understanding of who Jesus is and the work Jesus came to do. I learned a lot, though, from the approach to presenting Jesus (and Continue reading Be Armed! Lesson #3→