Double Ministry

Before I continue with my review of an important UBF teaching slide, I decided to pause and consider something that was highlighted in the presentation: double ministry.

What is double ministry?

Well the idea is that each UBF member, chapter and region should “double” in size (or in “heart”) within a certain time period. If you’ve been in UBF for any length of time, you certainly heard this “prayer topic“. In experience and reality however, “double ministry” is a doomed-to-fail mechanism to enslave people in the UBF heritage. They keep trying, and keep failing, year after year, to double the ministry.

The problem is that UBF shepherds end up in a hopeless hamster wheel, falling prey at times to the “han syndrome” and ripping through thousands of young people in search of “the one” or “the two” who will remain “faithful” to the “true family of God”.


“we prayed to be spiritually inspired and be used for the double ministry in 2012″
2012 Asia Director’s Conference

“(2) To have double ministry by having 40 1:1s and 30 SWSA, 1 Abraham and 1 Sarah”
2012 Humber UBF prayer topics

Double ministry in each chapter by the next Canadian SBC”
2011 Canadian National Summer Conference

“What did Jesus who had compassion on them do? “So he began teaching them many things.” (Mark 6:34b) We have a clear prayer topic to double our ministry by 2010. We should not do this with business minds. First of all, we must double our shepherd hearts and we must learn the compassionate heart of Jesus for the campus students. For this, we must know the clear reason why they are so pitiful and pray for them earnestly. Then God will surely give us burning shepherd hearts for them. With this shepherd heart, we must teach them the word of God. With burning shepherd hearts of Jesus, ubf shepherds and missionaries must prepare the life giving word of God and give them God’s word.”


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