Preaching Through Dialogue

What do you think of when you hear the word “preaching”? For me, I always thought of preaching as something one person, called a pastor, does on Sunday. It is a way of communicating God’s truth to the people listening.

But I’ve seen something different recently. At least 3 times now, our Sunday Service has been a dialogue between two people, and not always with a pastor. Instead of a podium, there is a table and two chairs. The conversation is some sort of interview or dialogue between the two people.

Today was on of those times. One of the elders at Grace interviewed Randy Alcorn, the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries and author of the new book Courageous. Through this personal and insightful interview, we heard an inspiring call to men to be courageous and be men of God’s character and purpose for their families and those around them.

I’m learning that preaching is not so much about dictating some truth or new idea that we glean from the Bible. Preaching is about communicating God’s message through a discovery process. Preaching that moves people’s hearts is about involving people in dialogue that inspires, uplifts and motivates.

2 thoughts on “Preaching Through Dialogue

  1. Btw, Paul was preaching in discussion and dialogue in most cases. For example “But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Paul left them. He took the disciples with him and had discussions daily in the lecture hall of Tyrannus.” Actual preaching (like lecture) is not so often in Bible especially if we tell about meetings of Christians.
    So discussion should be the basis of Christian meetings, not just making lecture (that of course lecture may be possible if not taken as basis).

  2. I liked many discussions in the assembly of Messianic Jews we visited – seems to be a very Jewish tradition. Also, I liked the discussions with my group of students when I visited a theological seminary. And I found these discussions were most fruitful when they came off naturally, not when they were scheduled and mandatory, like in the Sunday service or weekly Bible groups.